Black Panther Wakanda Forever Trailer Breakdown: Shuri Is The New Black Panther

Marvel dropped the New Black Panther Wakanda Forever trailer, so we’ll break it down, there’s a whole bunch of new footage. In this Trailer, we get a clearer look at the new Black Panther suit. We also got o see the Mark II suit that Riri Williams will be making in this movie. They got to know that Namor will be using some of the vibranium in his suit and his weapon.
We will be talking about everything about the new Black Panther Trailer and the recent things we know about the movie. We now know who the Black Panther is and when will she/he show up in the movie. We’ll talk about Namor and will die in this movie (like Killmonger did in the first Black Panther movie) or is MCU saving him and making kind of an anti-villain like Loki.
Here is the Black Panther Wakanda Forever Trailer Breakdown:
Shuri As Black Panther
The big thing in this trailer just giving you way more footage with the characters, especially the New Black Panther. And they pretty much confirmed that it is Shuri. You see the weapons on our hands, they’re the exact same type of weapons that she used during the first Black Panther movie. When we started seeing those in the trailers for the first Black Panther movie I just called her Shuri Panther hands because they’re basically Panther hands with Advanced Sonic technology.

Shuri As Black Panther
The big advantage that those gave her in her fight with Killmonger. Even though she wasn’t that great of a warrior at the time like he’s remembered she’s about the same age as Peter Parker in the MCU so she’s actually pretty young. Even though she could do a lot of things with those they were specifically useful for fighting against Killmonger in the vibranium nanites that were used to form his golden Jaguar Black panther suit.
That’s also how Ulysses claw was able to fight Black Panther when he was coming after him like it was a form of Sonic technology that interrupted the signal between the vibranium nanites. This is why it seemed like their suits disintegrated when they were hit by the guns.
Obviously, this being a sequel, being many years later, even if you think about the five-year time Jump being even more years you have to remember Shuri just iterates with their technology the same way that Spider-Man, the same way that Iron Man, all the other Tech based characters in the MCU would normally do.
So even though it’s the technology from the first film, it’s probably gotten way more advanced since the events of the first film. But this is basically what her full suit looks like and now that you actually get like a full top to bottom view of her in broad daylight.
Shuri’s Suite Like Killmonger
You can see she’s way more petite looking than say like t’challa was, the figure that he cast when he was walking around in his suit. The golden highlights all over her suit are kind of influenced a little bit by Killmonger’s Golden Jaguar suit and how Killmonger figures into the film.
Like Killmonger is coming back not the way the people think that he’s coming back but it’s a bit more of like a force ghost Twist on Killmonger with the ancestral plane.

Shuri’s Suite Like Killmonger
Because they’re not going to do like carry Fisher’s situation with the rise of Skywalker like they’re not going to rejigger a bunch of like old footage to bring him back in the movie in the present day. I believe he’s supposed to have been dead for about a year when the events of the movie pick up in the present day, there might be some flashbacks during the film.
I think the idea is that we see Namor’s birth, obviously, that’s a huge flashback, but the current events of the movie I believe are meant to pick up in relatively close to real-time with the other Marvel movies that have come out so far. But because this is the last movie in Marvel phase four I think they also want it to be a little bit later in the timeline, than say like Thor love and Thunder or maybe pretty close to the same time the Thor Love And Thunder is happening.
Fun fact too we saw Bast the Panther goddess during Thor love and thunder, that’s the god the Black Panther and all of his people worship. Now like not everybody in Wakanda, not all the tribes worship the panther goddess. Some of them like the Jabari tribe mbaku’s people worship the ape God. But I don’t know whether or not this movie is going to reference Bass.
The way they used her during Thor love and thunder was more in a comedic way and they didn’t really give her any speaking lies, there might be some deleted scenes or some more extra scenes that were involving her. She was really just there for that Zeus God had seen, where all the gods were just joking about all the funds that they were going to have like all the crazy stuff that they were doing.
Selection The Next Black Panther
But when it comes to Shuri taking the mantle of Black Panther, they did say the question of who the next Black Panther winds up being is a big part of the movie. And for a lot of the early part of the film the whole idea is that they’re arguing about who has the right to or who should take up the mantle of the Black Panther.

Selection The Next Black Panther
Because like in the trailer there’s that footage where you have Namor talking to Ramonda saying that Wakanda has no Black Panther anymore, Wakanda has no protector is vulnerable. I think he’s so quick to invade Wakanda and flood it. I know there are a couple of questions about that too, like why is there all this water in Wakanda, where did it come from, and isn’t it supposed to be landlocked?
Clearly, Ramonda is on the coast talking to Namor here on the beach. But I think the idea is that the water that they flood Wakanda with is coming one from rivers that run into Wakanda but there’s also like a giant lake near Wakanda as well, so it could be coming for that too.
But because typically in big movies like this there’s like a big third act twist where like you have some big hero rally moment. I’m assuming the big third-act twist will be shuri debuting as the New Black Panther. Sort of at the first two halves of the film there’s still this big question about who’s going to take the mantle.
Also, there’s all that footage in the trailer with Ramada saying that her entire family is dead which would mean that she probably thinks that Shuri is dead at some point. That might have something to do with Namor’s invasion of Wakanda like they might believe that something happened to Shuri during that.

Killmonger burns The Heart Shaped Herb
The Heart Shaped Herb
And because Shuri is becoming the next Black Panther there are a lot of questions about how they’re going to handle the actual powers of the Black Panther. Because previously the heart-shaped herb was a really big part of that. It was basically like their version of the super soldier serum that they would give to each Black Panther And I believe when the movie picks up, the naturally growing heart-shaped herb will still have been killed off by Killmonger like they’re still dealing with that plot point.
And I think sure she is trying to find a technological workaround for the lack of a heart-shaped herb, like she’s trying to find a way to recreate it with her technology. And part of the other characters thinking that she might be dead during the movie has something to do with that. Obviously, she comes back, though, I think all this footage of her fighting with the Black Panther Panther suit on, with her black panther suit on, is much later in the movie.
Ironheart Mark 2 Armor
We also get a bunch more footage of Riri Williams Ironheart in her Mark II suit. This is the second version of her suit that she created inside Shuri’s lab with advanced technology. The first suit she creates in the Cambridge area, near MIT where she used to go to school, I think she gets kicked out during the events of the movie. But the first suit she dumpster dive it looks a little bit more cobbled together, it looks a little bit like this in the promo art it’s a little bit clearer look at it.

Ironheart Mark 2 Armor
Once they take her to Wakanda and start protecting her there, she gets access to Shuri’s technology in her lab. That’s when she creates the more advanced Mark II version of the suit. And if it wasn’t clear, zoom and enhance she’s fighting Namor during these scenes.
Namor’s Mutant Powers
They also have a couple of funny moments in the trailer with the characters reacting to Namor’s vibranium, like “oh he’s got vibranium all over him, that’s going to be a problem”. And that is on top of his mutant abilities which probably give him some enhanced strength, obviously the ability to fly or what makes him so strong and such a big threat.
Like you see him destroying all this stuff all over Wakanda and just thrashing all these people around like even M’Baku seems like he’s having trouble with him them. That’s why m’Baku is also telling his people, during their big war planning meeting here, why Namor’s people think of him as a living God.

Namor’s Mutant Powers
Mostly because of the mutant powers. I’m really interested to see how they weave in sort of the name or comic book Canon, the whole idea that in the comics they call him the first mutant because he’s like the first comic book character to debut. But chronologically there might be actual older mutants that we just haven’t learned about in the MCU before.
Some of the mutants, some of the X-Men characters like Wolverine for instance Hugh Jackman’s character are coming in Via Multiverse like during Deadpool 3. But in the next couple of years, like as we build up to like our next big X-Men movie Inside the MCU, we’ll probably learn a little bit more about which characters are coming from the Multiverse and which mutant characters have been here the whole time and we’re just learning about now.
Midnight Angels
If you’re not a big Black Panther or Comics reader, one of the other big things they’ve introduced in a lot of this trailer footage is the Midnight Angels. So this special blue armor that you see Okoye wearing, you also see Michaela Cole wearing, she’s playing a version of Anika from the comics. They’re called the Midnight Angels, they’re like the special ops team within the Dora Milaje.

Midnight Angels
So the whole idea is the Dora Milaje are like the special forces of Wakanda. They’re already meant to be like their most hardcore warriors, they come from all the different tribes, and they’re like the six main tribes of Wakanda. It’d be like trying to join the special forces in the military like a normal selection process only the most badass warriors get to join.
But within the Dora milaje, they have an even more hardcore smaller group called The Midnight Angels that use way more advanced technology, they go on more spec ops missions. And it seems like in the trailer some of the Dora Milage and the Midnight Angels are fighting each other. That might have something to do with what Ramonda is doing in this whole war that they’re having with Namor’s people.
Black Panther vs. Namor
I think the idea is that there are a lot of different ideas within Wakanda, amongst Ramonda, Shuri the other people about what they should do about what’s going on with Namor. Because it seems like Ramonda goes on the warpath and that kind of makes things worse. And I think, long term, the idea is that they don’t want to kill Namor off. He’s meant to be more of an anti-hero inside the MCU, the way they’re playing him. He just wants to protect his people, even even though he does seem kind of like a jerk.

Black Panther vs. Namor
If you’ve ever read any Namor Comics, you kind of know his relationship with Black Panther, he’s like that in the comics too. Most of the time, when people think about Black Panther vs Namor in the comics, they just think about the different fights that they have. It’s sort of like Hulk and Wolverine like they have this ongoing series of rematch fights across the years, just this low-level beef between each other. Even though the MCU t’challa is dead, they’re sort of carrying that forward.
They did say that what t’challa did at the end of the first Black Panther movie sort of revealing Wakanda itself, its existence to the rest of the world, the truth of Wakanda, will have something to do with Namor’s beef with Wakanda.
So even though you can’t have Namor vs t’challa because that would be really cool, they’re using a lot of that comic book vibe with the Namor story in the movie. But also them using the character so much in this movie is the reason why you didn’t see a version of Namor on the Illuminati during the doctor strange 2 movies. The writer of Doctor Strange 2 said that was a big thing like “oh Namor was already booked doing something else”, this was the something else.
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